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Farm Overview


Original Post 4/27/2012 ... Updated as needed ... General overview of our farm ... Disclaimer link at the end ...
The Oregon Truffle Tryst Farm started out with an Aquaponics system that was built from plans obtained from Friendly Aquaponics of Hawaii and housed in a self-designed greenhouse building. The first phase was built to gain experience with the setup and daily maintenance of a vegetable aquaponics system. It consists of 256 square feet of growing troughs and several tanks (4'x4'x4' and 4'x4'x8' fish tanks, a 2'x4'x4' biofilter tank and a 2'x4'x4' vet tank) giving a water volume of approximately 3000 gallons. After a few problems with the newly purchased fish in startup mode, it was functioning well. However, a recurrence of fish problems ensued and our nutrients have continued to fluctuate much more than we'd expect. Overall we are still producing nice quality crops but our production is inconsistent rather than a regular amount each week. Our Aquaponics system has been functioning for over nine years now and we had been selling a small amount of produce nearly every week.
Our farm plan has evolved beyond Aquaponics over the last nine years as well.
We have seen a number of Oregon Black truffles appear in a stand of Fir that was inoculated with truffles over ten years ago. We haven't yet determined if there are a significant number of truffles available as we have only once managed to get a truffle dog out here. We do, however, see lots of holes dug and gather leftover pieces of truffles that the forest critters uncover for us.
We have produced mushrooms on sawdust, straw, and logs over the years but have not attempted to produce them as a crop available to sell. That may soon change once more construction has been completed.
Over the last four to five years, we started to grow a tea crop and that is our main focus at present. We have a reasonable climate, a great location, and great topography for the attempt. Although funds are limited we expect to bootstrap the endeavor. We have bought some live plants (1-2 years old) that are acclimated. We have started a fair amount of tea plants from seeds, and now have about 130 three year old plants in one section, about 100 more in a second flat area, have transplanted hundreds onto a hillside behind the house and further up the hillside, and have three plots started in the fields. In all we have had over 1600 plants in the ground with about 2500 seedlings that can be transplanted out this year, or possibly next year. We managed to harvest about a pound of tea last year with very promising results after some basic processing. But we have had some major problems with voles and, possibly, gophers that have decimated a large number of the tea plants in the ground.
One other idea was to create a "forest garden" in at least a section of our back fields while maintaining it, mostly, as a wildlife 'sanctuary'. We have recently planted about 600 tea plants back there this year (2022).
If anyone is wandering around our area, feel free to drop by to see the bits and pieces we have managed to put together so far. And we would be more than happy to hear your thoughts and suggestions!
Thank you for your time. Have a great day!
Bob & Stephanie
Please take note of the disclaimer link below before perusing our website.

Farm Overview


Original Post 4/27/2012 ... Updated as needed ... General overview of our farm ... Disclaimer link at the end ...

The Oregon Truffle Tryst Farm started out with an Aquaponics system that was built from plans obtained from Friendly Aquaponics of Hawaii and housed in a self-designed greenhouse building. The first phase was built to gain experience with the setup and daily maintenance of a vegetable aquaponics system. It consists of 256 square feet of growing troughs and several tanks (4'x4'x4' and 4'x4'x8' fish tanks, a 2'x4'x4' biofilter tank and a 2'x4'x4' vet tank) giving a water volume of approximately 3000 gallons. After a few problems with the newly purchased fish in startup mode, it was functioning well. However, a recurrence of fish problems ensued and our nutrients have continued to fluctuate much more than we'd expect. Overall we are still producing nice quality crops but our production is inconsistent rather than a regular amount each week. Our Aquaponics system has been functioning for over nine years now and we had been selling a small amount of produce nearly every week.

Our farm plan has evolved beyond Aquaponics over the last nine years as well.

We have seen a number of Oregon Black truffles appear in a stand of Fir that was inoculated with truffles over ten years ago. We haven't yet determined if there are a significant number of truffles available as we have only once managed to get a truffle dog out here. We do, however, see lots of holes dug and gather leftover pieces of truffles that the forest critters uncover for us.

We have produced mushrooms on sawdust, straw, and logs over the years but have not attempted to produce them as a crop available to sell. That may soon change once more construction has been completed.

Over the last four to five years, we started to grow a tea crop and that is our main focus at present. We have a reasonable climate, a great location, and great topography for the attempt. Although funds are limited we expect to bootstrap the endeavor. We have bought some live plants (1-2 years old) that are acclimated. We have started a fair amount of tea plants from seeds, and now have about 130 three year old plants in one section, about 100 more in a second flat area, have transplanted hundreds onto a hillside behind the house and further up the hillside, and have three plots started in the fields. In all we have had over 1600 plants in the ground with about 2500 seedlings that can be transplanted out this year, or possibly next year. We managed to harvest about a pound of tea last year with very promising results after some basic processing. But we have had some major problems with voles and, possibly, gophers that have decimated a large number of the tea plants in the ground.

One other idea was to create a "forest garden" in at least a section of our back fields while maintaining it, mostly, as a wildlife 'sanctuary'. We have recently planted about 600 tea plants back there this year (2022).

If anyone is wandering around our area, feel free to drop by to see the bits and pieces we have managed to put together so far. And we would be more than happy to hear your thoughts and suggestions!

Thank you for your time. Have a great day!

Bob & Stephanie

Please take note of the disclaimer link below before perusing our website.


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Merchants of Poison Report final 12/05/2022

(with 579 cited references)

Find out about: America's (now the World's) Favorite Poison By Far!

“In order to save glyphosate, the Monsanto corporation has undertaken an effort to destroy the United Nations’ cancer agency by any means possible.”[10]

... " just four companies — Bayer, Corteva (formerly DowDuPont), BASF and Syngenta/ChemChina — controlled 75 percent of plant breeding research, 60 percent of the commercial seed market, and 76 percent of global agrichemical sales in 2019."[78]

Just gotta' LOVE glyphosate, right?????

Yes, the second link is old news, but not forgotten and more importantly, as the first link shows, not remedied:

Monsanto / Bayer's Roundup Triggers Over 40 Plant Diseases and Endangers Human and Animal Health. Protect yourself and those you care about!

[10] Foucart, S. & Horel, S. (2019, April 7). Monsanto Papers. European Press Prize.

[78] ETC Group. (2019, April 06). New report: Putting the cartel before the horse…and farm, seeds, soil, peasants.

Just Say No To GMO by Michael Adams - Video

Just Say No To GMO by Michael Adams - Music Song Lyrics

Song by Mike Adams, with spoken lines from Jeffrey Smith

I’m lookin at the food that’s in the grocery store
They say it’s safe, everybody eat more.
On second thought, I don’t really know if it’s made with those GMOs

So I’m lookin for the non-GMO label ‘fore I bring it home and put it on my table
I wanna know it’s verified so I don’t
Harm myself with genetically modified

They don’t want you to know
All the poison they grow
The corporate profits they show from those GMO OH

Those Frankenseeds that they sow
They’re gonna hurt us we know
It’s time we told ‘em to go, say GMO NO!

I don’t want eat poison, I don’t want gene mutations at my dinner reservations
it’s a food abomination what they doin’ to this fast food nation
They take artificial gene combinations
inject them in seed variations
so they can grow their Frankenfood imitations
while the side effects cause medical patients

Keep their profits alive while they
spraying all the food with name brand herbicides
and all the while they’re spreadin’ their lies
Monsanto (Bayer now!) destroyin’ farmers lives
and the FDA keeps it all going
saying it’s safe even though they all know it’s just
poison stealing away your life, and that’s what you eat with genetically modified.

GMO safety huh that’s a corporate myth
if you don’t believe me listen to Jeffery Smith
He’s the man with plan gonna do what he can
To help us all get those GMOs banned
But we need you to lend a hand
take a stand against this food scam
It’s a mission for the health condition worldwide
We don’t wanna live genetically modified

Don’t eat food unless you know what’s in it
Don’t believe the propaganda cuz the press will spin it
Affects everybody, we all up in it
Stand up to Monsanto (Bayer now!), tell ‘em oh no you didn’t

Reject Frankenfoods in the store
demand honest labels so we can be informed
We have a natural right to know
What we buyin’ Just say no to GMO

Before our farms start dyin’
Just say no to GMO

Those corporate crooks are lyin’
Just say no to GMO

This time we’re not complyin’
Just say no to GMO

We’re just not buyin’ it
Just say no to GMO

Song and Lyrics © 2010 by Michael Adams, All Rights Reserved

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