After some consideration and a "duh" moment, I ordered new magnetic gaskets (like home refrigerator gaskets) and mounted them using the same metal edging. I also bought some steel angle iron to frame the inner door edge for the gaskets to snap to ... and it all worked out very well!
Besides sealing the door much more tightly, use of magnetic gaskets means I no longer need the fancy cooler door latch. In addition, I no longer need to mount an inside safety handle through seven inches of the insulated door and seven inches of the insulated wall. The magnetic gaskets hold it closed quite well. I just need to find some longer angle iron for the interior frame as I used several smaller pieces initially, which made it harder to line everything up.
After some consideration and a "duh" moment, I ordered new magnetic gaskets (like home refrigerator gaskets) and mounted them using the same metal edging. I also bought some steel angle iron to frame the inner door edge for the gaskets to snap to ... and it all worked out very well!
Besides sealing the door much more tightly, use of magnetic gaskets means I no longer need the fancy cooler door latch. In addition, I no longer need to mount an inside safety handle through seven inches of the insulated door and seven inches of the insulated wall. The magnetic gaskets hold it closed quite well. I just need to find some longer angle iron for the interior frame as I used several smaller pieces initially, which made it harder to line everything up.
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... " just four companies — Bayer, Corteva (formerly DowDuPont), BASF and Syngenta/ChemChina — controlled 75 percent of plant breeding research, 60 percent of the commercial seed market, and 76 percent of global agrichemical sales in 2019."[78]
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[78] ETC Group. (2019, April 06). New report: Putting the cartel before the horse…and farm, seeds, soil, peasants.
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