We collected two varieties of blackberries from our fields, blue elderberries from down the road, blueberries and raspberries from the orchard and our first hops harvest.
The pH immediately started rising back up. Apparently the amount of sludge accumulating in the bottom of the barrel was causing the pH to drop. After cleaning the second filter the pH came back up to its normal reading (typically 6.6 0r 6.7).
We collected two varieties of blackberries from our fields, blue elderberries from down the road, blueberries and raspberries from the orchard and our first hops harvest.
The pH immediately started rising back up. Apparently the amount of sludge accumulating in the bottom of the barrel was causing the pH to drop. After cleaning the second filter the pH came back up to its normal reading (typically 6.6 0r 6.7).
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... " just four companies — Bayer, Corteva (formerly DowDuPont), BASF and Syngenta/ChemChina — controlled 75 percent of plant breeding research, 60 percent of the commercial seed market, and 76 percent of global agrichemical sales in 2019."[78]
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[78] ETC Group. (2019, April 06). New report: Putting the cartel before the horse…and farm, seeds, soil, peasants. https://www.etcgroup.org/content/new-report-putting-cartel-horse%E2%80%A6and-farm-seeds-soil-peasants
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