I finished up construction of the ‘winter box’ by adding some braces to the clear plastic cover frames. Each of the top frames covers one half of the box and can be opened independently.
I installed the other heat mats that makes a total of four mats and they use about 160 watts. I've connected them to a 1100 watt Inkbird Itc-308 Digital Temperature Controller which I've initially set to thirty-three degrees.
I finished up construction of the ‘winter box’ by adding some braces to the clear plastic cover frames. Each of the top frames covers one half of the box and can be opened independently.
I installed the other heat mats that makes a total of four mats and they use about 160 watts. I've connected them to a 1100 watt Inkbird Itc-308 Digital Temperature Controller which I've initially set to thirty-three degrees.
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... " just four companies — Bayer, Corteva (formerly DowDuPont), BASF and Syngenta/ChemChina — controlled 75 percent of plant breeding research, 60 percent of the commercial seed market, and 76 percent of global agrichemical sales in 2019."[78]
Monsanto / Bayer's Roundup Triggers Over 40 Plant Diseases and Endangers Human and Animal Health. Protect yourself and those you care about!
[78] ETC Group. (2019, April 06). New report: Putting the cartel before the horse…and farm, seeds, soil, peasants. https://www.etcgroup.org/content/new-report-putting-cartel-horse%E2%80%A6and-farm-seeds-soil-peasants
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