Although they have grown well in the conetainers, there are a few problems with leaving them there. As the plants get larger, you cannot water from above them. You have to push your watering hose end between the plants and along the surface of the conetainers to be sure of getting water to the medium. If watered from above, most of it runs off the leaves and creates a random pattern of watering. Many cones do not get any water that way. In addition, as the acid medium is mostly wood pieces, you need to water pretty much every day in the summer as they dry out extremely fast. Takes a lot of time to water. Hopefully the Deeppots will give more space between the plants and allow easier watering while also providing more medium for the roots and still not require another hoop house to fit them.
After removing the winter box we then also had room to build the new shelves. We now have two along the lengths of the outside walls with a third row down the center. The center row is shorter to leave room to enter and exit through the doors. The new shelves will allow enough space for all two thousand plus plants (in Deeppots, anyway).
Although they have grown well in the conetainers, there are a few problems with leaving them there. As the plants get larger, you cannot water from above them. You have to push your watering hose end between the plants and along the surface of the conetainers to be sure of getting water to the medium. If watered from above, most of it runs off the leaves and creates a random pattern of watering. Many cones do not get any water that way. In addition, as the acid medium is mostly wood pieces, you need to water pretty much every day in the summer as they dry out extremely fast. Takes a lot of time to water. Hopefully the Deeppots will give more space between the plants and allow easier watering while also providing more medium for the roots and still not require another hoop house to fit them.
After removing the winter box we then also had room to build the new shelves. We now have two along the lengths of the outside walls with a third row down the center. The center row is shorter to leave room to enter and exit through the doors. The new shelves will allow enough space for all two thousand plus plants (in Deeppots, anyway).
We added a seventy percent shadecloth to the south side of the hoop house to give more light to the older plants, while moving the ninety percent cloth up and over to cover the younger plants.
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... " just four companies — Bayer, Corteva (formerly DowDuPont), BASF and Syngenta/ChemChina — controlled 75 percent of plant breeding research, 60 percent of the commercial seed market, and 76 percent of global agrichemical sales in 2019."[78]
Monsanto / Bayer's Roundup Triggers Over 40 Plant Diseases and Endangers Human and Animal Health. Protect yourself and those you care about!
[78] ETC Group. (2019, April 06). New report: Putting the cartel before the horse…and farm, seeds, soil, peasants.
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