I decided to try to take some cuttings from the destroyed plants to see if I could get any to root, even though it is not an opportune time for that. I also bought some road flares and hope to blow them through the tunnels in the future. Right now he seems to have either moved out or slowed his eating.
I decided to try to take some cuttings from the destroyed plants to see if I could get any to root, even though it is not an opportune time for that. I also bought some road flares and hope to blow them through the tunnels in the future. Right now he seems to have either moved out or slowed his eating.
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Find out about: America's (now the World's) Favorite Poison By Far!
... " just four companies — Bayer, Corteva (formerly DowDuPont), BASF and Syngenta/ChemChina — controlled 75 percent of plant breeding research, 60 percent of the commercial seed market, and 76 percent of global agrichemical sales in 2019."[78]
Monsanto / Bayer's Roundup Triggers Over 40 Plant Diseases and Endangers Human and Animal Health. Protect yourself and those you care about!
[78] ETC Group. (2019, April 06). New report: Putting the cartel before the horse…and farm, seeds, soil, peasants. https://www.etcgroup.org/content/new-report-putting-cartel-horse%E2%80%A6and-farm-seeds-soil-peasants
Just Say No To GMO by Michael Adams - Video
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