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A Bit More Snow Saga


This was the day that Stephanie finally made it over the hills to get home, Sunday the 5th. Although she could have gone around by way of Toledo, it would have added well over an hour to the usual 75 minute drive.

Even though the deepest snow up there was only maybe 16 to 18 inches, it was wet and slick and there was a plethora of debris in and under the snow, as in fallen trees and branches. Another rig with helpers to get Steph up the road turned back at this point. She was about to do the same when we managed to text each other and told her Kevin and I had made it up our road and onto the 3100, just about a mile away from her. That was fortuitous as there are only a couple spots along that road where a cell phone can connect, and then it is usually just a good enough connection for texting. We are very happy Kevin was generous enough to bring his rig out and help me clear debris to get up there to meet Stephanie. I would never have made it in the Subaru with its factory tires.

Also, keep in mind that none of us had chains ... again, because it seldom snows out here! But I am considering at least a set of tire socks for next year. It was over two weeks before that hilltop route was clear enough to get the Subaru through without damage and Stephanie did suffer a big dent in her door where a snow-covered limb popped up and smacked her truck.

The frost covers on the tea plants was a bad idea in the end. Although they work great for very cold weather to keep the leaves from radiating heat to the night sky, without substantial support they are completely crushed by a heavy snow load. Pics below show some of the tea stems broken from the weight of the snow on the cover. Without the cover they would likely not have suffered any of that damage. On the other hand, all of the tea plants that were covered looked much healthier. The uncovered plants had large numbers of dark leaves that likely got a bit too cold, although I'm hopeful most will recover with little long term damage.
The tea seedlings in tubes under the large fir tree seem mostly OK. I previously showed the snow and ice collapsing the plastic on top of these as well, but they were protected by the fir tree and seem more resilient with their smaller diameter stems. Few seem broken, and the heater prevented most of the low temperature damage. I also placed the two wasabi plants that were living in felt pots under the tea seedlings to keep them cozy as well.

A Bit More Snow Saga


This was the day that Stephanie finally made it over the hills to get home, Sunday the 5th. Although she could have gone around by way of Toledo, it would have added well over an hour to the usual 75 minute drive.

Even though the deepest snow up there was only maybe 16 to 18 inches, it was wet and slick and there was a plethora of debris in and under the snow, as in fallen trees and branches. Another rig with helpers to get Steph up the road turned back at this point. She was about to do the same when we managed to text each other and told her Kevin and I had made it up our road and onto the 3100, just about a mile away from her. That was fortuitous as there are only a couple spots along that road where a cell phone can connect, and then it is usually just a good enough connection for texting. We are very happy Kevin was generous enough to bring his rig out and help me clear debris to get up there to meet Stephanie. I would never have made it in the Subaru with its factory tires.

Also, keep in mind that none of us had chains ... again, because it seldom snows out here! But I am considering at least a set of tire socks for next year. It was over two weeks before that hilltop route was clear enough to get the Subaru through without damage and Stephanie did suffer a big dent in her door where a snow-covered limb popped up and smacked her truck.

The frost covers on the tea plants was a bad idea in the end. Although they work great for very cold weather to keep the leaves from radiating heat to the night sky, without substantial support they are completely crushed by a heavy snow load. Pics below show some of the tea stems broken from the weight of the snow on the cover. Without the cover they would likely not have suffered any of that damage. On the other hand, all of the tea plants that were covered looked much healthier. The uncovered plants had large numbers of dark leaves that likely got a bit too cold, although I'm hopeful most will recover with little long term damage.

The tea seedlings in tubes under the large fir tree seem mostly OK. I previously showed the snow and ice collapsing the plastic on top of these as well, but they were protected by the fir tree and seem more resilient with their smaller diameter stems. Few seem broken, and the heater prevented most of the low temperature damage. I also placed the two wasabi plants that were living in felt pots under the tea seedlings to keep them cozy as well.


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Merchants of Poison Report final 12/05/2022

(with 579 cited references)

Find out about: America's (now the World's) Favorite Poison By Far!

“In order to save glyphosate, the Monsanto corporation has undertaken an effort to destroy the United Nations’ cancer agency by any means possible.”[10]

... " just four companies — Bayer, Corteva (formerly DowDuPont), BASF and Syngenta/ChemChina — controlled 75 percent of plant breeding research, 60 percent of the commercial seed market, and 76 percent of global agrichemical sales in 2019."[78]

Just gotta' LOVE glyphosate, right?????

Yes, the second link is old news, but not forgotten and more importantly, as the first link shows, not remedied:

Monsanto / Bayer's Roundup Triggers Over 40 Plant Diseases and Endangers Human and Animal Health. Protect yourself and those you care about!

[10] Foucart, S. & Horel, S. (2019, April 7). Monsanto Papers. European Press Prize.

[78] ETC Group. (2019, April 06). New report: Putting the cartel before the horse…and farm, seeds, soil, peasants.

Just Say No To GMO by Michael Adams - Video

Just Say No To GMO by Michael Adams - Music Song Lyrics

Song by Mike Adams, with spoken lines from Jeffrey Smith

I’m lookin at the food that’s in the grocery store
They say it’s safe, everybody eat more.
On second thought, I don’t really know if it’s made with those GMOs

So I’m lookin for the non-GMO label ‘fore I bring it home and put it on my table
I wanna know it’s verified so I don’t
Harm myself with genetically modified

They don’t want you to know
All the poison they grow
The corporate profits they show from those GMO OH

Those Frankenseeds that they sow
They’re gonna hurt us we know
It’s time we told ‘em to go, say GMO NO!

I don’t want eat poison, I don’t want gene mutations at my dinner reservations
it’s a food abomination what they doin’ to this fast food nation
They take artificial gene combinations
inject them in seed variations
so they can grow their Frankenfood imitations
while the side effects cause medical patients

Keep their profits alive while they
spraying all the food with name brand herbicides
and all the while they’re spreadin’ their lies
Monsanto (Bayer now!) destroyin’ farmers lives
and the FDA keeps it all going
saying it’s safe even though they all know it’s just
poison stealing away your life, and that’s what you eat with genetically modified.

GMO safety huh that’s a corporate myth
if you don’t believe me listen to Jeffery Smith
He’s the man with plan gonna do what he can
To help us all get those GMOs banned
But we need you to lend a hand
take a stand against this food scam
It’s a mission for the health condition worldwide
We don’t wanna live genetically modified

Don’t eat food unless you know what’s in it
Don’t believe the propaganda cuz the press will spin it
Affects everybody, we all up in it
Stand up to Monsanto (Bayer now!), tell ‘em oh no you didn’t

Reject Frankenfoods in the store
demand honest labels so we can be informed
We have a natural right to know
What we buyin’ Just say no to GMO

Before our farms start dyin’
Just say no to GMO

Those corporate crooks are lyin’
Just say no to GMO

This time we’re not complyin’
Just say no to GMO

We’re just not buyin’ it
Just say no to GMO

Song and Lyrics © 2010 by Michael Adams, All Rights Reserved

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